When the sex goes bad there’s only so much one can do, right? Well, not entirely. See, truth is, sex goes bad in pretty much all relationships but everyone’s too ashamed to talk about it. Apparently, there’s this totally schizophrenic idea going around that bad sex is an absolute parameter of an emotionally dysfunctional relationship; but, it’s not just that – having bad sex or lack of sex in a relationship is shameful, too. These two, and plenty of similarly ridiculous talks are pretty much why most people aren’t talking about their problems and why they are staying miserable and sexless for good – or, are breaking up. How dense. What most couples don’t get is that talking to other couples about a problem will help them solve it quicker! You never know who’s got the key to your current situation, so let’s open the dialogue, people! Anyways, the reasons sex goes bad in most relationships are multifold. If we exclude the possibility of people falling out of love or just getting bored with each other, we are left with a few most common reasons called a) monotony b) lack of effort and c) insecurity (internal and about your relationship). While reason c) definitely calls for deeper analyzing (and we’re sure you’ll solve the issue no matter how deep), reasons a) and b) are pretty easily solved. All you’ve got to do is put a little effort into rekindling the passion and your sheets will go up in flames again before you know it!
NOTE: What you must know is that – the fact that passion has left your bed at one point doesn’t mean it won’t come back to where it was. But you need to want it back and you need to be open – both of you.
Back to the sex doll.
While sexing it up with a sex doll may still officially be a huge taboo, truth is – couples everywhere are deciding to break the monotony (and monogamy!) with the third party. But, the question that always arises from inviting the third party into your bed is: will you be able to emotionally distance yourself from the situation and whether someone will get hurt? An additional question pops up also: will the invited party stay with you being the one who'll be leaving for good? Ah, the drama. This is precisely why this third party, this harmless, piece-of-rubber human lookalike will trump up the monotony of your too-familiar-one-on-one-sex! Plus, the doll will add up to the excitement of having “someone” new entertain both of you, without worrying you’ll ever be replaced or “worse in bed” than the invited party. How awesome is that!
Is your relationship sick if you need a doll to spice up your love life? No, it’s just fun!
Honestly, for things to stay awesome and never go weird - you need to know your boundaries.
The level of your engagement with the doll shouldn’t grow into pathology: we humans are known to attach quickly to both things and people, and including a sex doll (or as some like to call it – a love doll) you got from a sex shop in Singapore into your bedroom shouldn’t turn into a problem if you know how to use it the right way. What proved to be successful for the majority of couples is both parties understanding they are in it for the fun of it! Not “fixing a broken relationship”, not “trying to work it out”, not “seeing if they want/need someone else”. Usually, a healthy approach of understanding that your doll friend is there to make you both chill, laugh, enjoy the time, and have awesome sex in the process is what leads to strengthening the relationship altogether. Even a few dolls joining your sex party can be super fun as long as both of you are into it! Make party favors for everyone present (yes, the dolls, you, and your partner) by giving them their own set of latex lingerie, your favorite lube, and glam it up with a little champagne. If such a giggly, entertaining, and exciting experiment doesn’t get you going, what will?
Speaking of b) lack of effort – the a) won’t work without b) already solved. Know that b) is solved with healthy communication, love, and commitment to making it work. It's as simple as that.
Now, what do you say? Will you or will you not get yourself a love doll to spice things up?