Marriage is, in its essence, a beautiful idea. Two people ready to share their lives, good times and the bad, perhaps raise a family as well and all that it entails. In most cases it is actually two people who are in love, know each other well, both emotionally and sexually. Unfortunately, it is only human to lose that spark that kept the passion going after a certain amount of time, especially when the inescapably mundane life situations drop the romantic veneer between the spouses. It happens to most, if not all, couples and it is perfectly natural – however, the process can be reversed, with a little bit of effort and will.

Get it while it’s hot

The one thing about sex is that it truly is about the moment. It is very easy to postpone the moment because you’re used to things being perfect – when you’re freshly showered, when you’re sleepy nor tired, when you’re not hungry or just eaten – however, the chances for this diminish as the marriage settles down into its rut. So don’t ignore it – the moment you feel the urge kick in, go for it, there’s no time like the present. It is a sad truth that if you do put it off, the chances for actually having sex diminish. I mean, the new season of Your Favorite Show has just come out, right?
Get kinky
Hey, we don’t judge here – no kinkshaming! Of course, you have to be sure that you are both into things before actually trying them out and that does require talking about your emotions openly. I mean, if anyone’s going to find out about your obsession with feet or love for the fur, who better than the person you are supposed to be spending the rest of your life with. The best part is that this particular rabbit hole tends to go quite deep – there are entire scenes dedicated to the various kinks out there. And if there’s anything sex life can always have more of – it’s the feeling of newness.
Get sexty

Hey, it’s 2019, if you haven’t been sexting in a while, you’re way behind the times. Yeah, we know you see each other every day, but you really should not be missing out on the virtual foreplay! Especially today, when the number of social network is literally growing on a daily basis. There are so many ways to keep in touch, including using video and photos only, that there is very little you can say in your defense if you are not using this very practical way to get things going even when you are at a distance. Keep it interesting, a sneak preview you Snapchat from the bathroom at work is a welcome bonus!
Get some quality toys
Although there might be some people out there who would suggest that the toys are exactly what removes sex from marriages the world round, we would beg to differ. Of course, the popular culture loves to connect sex toys with being a loner or in a marriage where one side is not “successful” in satisfying the urges of the other one. However, just like all other things, it only depends on the point of view. The moment you shed the puritanical and introduce the idea of toys in your sex life, you might realize that this is exactly the kind of fun you have been yearning for. Although there are all kinds of anatomically more or less correct shapes and sizes out there, one thing you should keep in mind is to always get the quality stuff. Otherwise you might end up disappointed, with a broken toy.
Get creative
Remember when there was less “standard” and more “oh” in your relationship? Don’t let nothing stop you from going back to the romantic, sexy, creative version of yourself from before the rut decided to set in. Take time off and run away from the city for a weekend. Prepare a romantic dinner for your spouse. Clean up, dress up and go for a night on town. Hell, if you’re both up for something like that, include a third person or a Mayfair escort in the equation. Whatever you do, make sure it reminds both of you of just how wildly seductive you can be. After all, that was what drew you together in the first place.
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